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Archway Zen


2018 research by Kaizen on behalf of LB Islington looked at the Archway Zero Emissions Network and asked what local people thought would be most helpful to the area. The answers reflected the responses in previous rounds of consultation.


Key findings were


• Top things that people liked about Archway were transport links, location, diversity of people and friendliness


• Key unmet needs and challenges in the area included issues around safety and crime, lack of opportunities for young people, traffic congestion and air pollution


In order to improve Archway as a place to live and spend more time  priorities were:


• More green infrastructure (planting trees/greenery) was the highest priority for both

community members and businesses.


• Reduced traffic and quieter roads was the next highest priority (reduce number of HGVs, car-free zones, less traffic, make electric vehicles cheaper and more accessible).


• More cycle lanes and cycle parking.


The main roads and Navigator Square were key areas targeted for improvement.


Click here for the short report


Or click here for the longer version.


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